Hey Hiro,
First, you will understand it. It is really just a notational simplification of what I have already explained to you.
And it doesn't need a QM computer. Nothing even close to that elaborate or sophisticated. I'll try and explain it and then you can comment on it. Like I said, maybe it is trivial and boring? Certainly does have strong similarities with what the cyc project has already done.
(though I understand cyc restricts itself to boolean ie yes/no. This scheme represents degrees of knowledge quite neatly).
OK. Recall GUID's? For each concept, for each neuron, for each synapse there is a GUID.
And at any given time we say it is firing with a value of v. So all I'm doing is borrowing the bra-ket notation as labels for GUID's. So, "Fred" firing with value 7 becomes simply:
7|Fred> So what then is the meaning of <Fred| ? It is the measuring of the value of the "Fred" neuron/synapse. If we could do it physically, it would be applying a probe to the Fred neuron and measuring its value.
Note, a maths point (the orthogonality of bra-kets): if X and Y are GUID's <X|Y> == 0 unless X == Y, and == 1 when X == Y.
If X or Y are a compound object that is not a single GUID then this rule does not apply.
See, nothing as complex as QM here. Not even close. Now from here, lets apply this a little. First, a couple of definitions: I call: a|A> + b|B> + c|C> + d|D>
a superposition (ie, A,B,C,D are all firing at the same time). (NB, the plus sign). Note, in a superposition you can change the order and it means essentially the same thing (as long as you are careful in a couple of spots)
I call: u|U> . v|V> . w|W> a sequence. Ie, there is an implicit time sequence/time delay between each element. (NB the dot). The exact value of the time delay is not normally important, as long as it is greater than 0.
Though when it comes to music, yeah, it is vitally important! (eg, keeping time, or out of time). Note, for a sequence the order is significant. If |B> time-wise comes before |Q> you can't then swap the order.
The idea of causality also comes in neatly around here.
eg, if |U> comes before |Y> it is possible |U> caused |Y>.
If the order is reversed, then it is not possible |U> caused |Y> (unless time-travel is possible).
Then we can also have mixed. eg: a|A> + b|B> . p|P> . q|Q> . r|R> + y|Y> + z|Z> and . has higher precedence than + so this is the same as: a|A> + (b|B> . p|P> . q|Q> . r|R>) + y|Y> + z|Z>
Note, QM has the concept of superposition, but as far as I recall the sequence idea is not used in QM.
While I am thinking of it, I should mention a single object, in this case |X> can have a time sequence too:
a|X> . b|X> . c|X> . d|X> . e|X> . f|X> ...
For a start, we can now use this notation to represent an event log.
Recall, something like this:
maps to this:
v1|G1> . v2|G2> . (v3|G3> + v4|G4> + v5|G5> + v6|G6>) . v7|G7> . v8|G8>
Note, in this case we don't really need to know the exact values of ti, just the ordering.
Next, all those "relations" I was talking about previously. In this model they are operators acting on kets.
We use => to represent learning a new relation, and = to represent what we already know. So on to the fun bit:
Say we have a child and mum only buys red apples. We have:
colour|apple> => |red>
colour|orange> => |colour orange>
colour|lemon> => |yellow>
Where "colour" here is both a relation, and the equivalent of an operator in QM.
(recall last time I did this using a matrix to represent the values. Well, essentially all I'm doing is using bra-kets instead of typing up matrices. It is the same identical information, just a different representation. Though a representation that is much easier to type!)
What if Billy then learns the existence of green apples?
colour|apple> => 0.8 |red> + 0.2|green>
Then if Mum asks what colour are apples, Billy's brain does:
colour|apple> = 0.8 |red> + 0.2|green> Note the equals instead of the arrow.
I tend to swap between them because they mean either in the process of learning, or already know.
For this document the difference in meaning is minimal.
The mixed case of superpositions + sequences is more complex, but similar.
Finally, there is a thing that is very common in QM called a projection operator |X><X|.
Making use of that is for another time. Besides, I haven't fully fleshed out how projection operators work when you mix superpositions and sequences.
That is more than enough for today.
I think it is time to cook tea, and watch Mad Max.
OK. I had a read over, and I suspect it will take some work for you to follow.
Well, a) it took a LONG time to write, and b) the document organization could do with some work! :)
Seeya, -ds.
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